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Adults inside - 0.025-0.05 g 3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is an average of 10-20 days.

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Increased individual sensitivity, pregnancy and lactation, infected skin diseases, age up to 2.5 years.

It has a pronounced bactericidal, fungicidal, sporocidal, selective antiviral effect, is active against protozoa.

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99) — one ml 0.25% race- Urbazon, Methypred, Medrol. Indications for use Hemorrhagic diathesis, recent bleeding, severe hypertension, streptococcal sepsis, gastric ulcer, septic endocarditis, severe diabetes mellitus, pregnancy.

The drug should be used with caution in severe liver and kidney disease, with active tuberculosis.

At availability varicose veins esophagus bye- astringents and antacids (see "Acute gastritis", rec.

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?-bromoisovaleric acid and mint oil as the main active ingredients.

Corvalol has a moderate sedative, vasodilating and antispasmodic effect. A recombinant preparation of single-chain urokinase (prourokinase) saruplase ?

has been obtained , which exhibits greater specificity with respect to thrombus fibrin than urokinase. Contraindications Serum introduced in heated form on 100 000– 150 000 ED in flow 1–2 days (on Rarely). Together with serum treatment, ana- toxin on 1–2 ml per thirty min before introductions serum- ki with an interval of 3–5 days. To reduce and pre- cuts convulsions use neuroplegic mixture: 2 ml of a 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine, 1 ml of a 2% solution alignment Diphenhydramine and 1 ml 2% solution promedol.

By one ml intramuscularly 2 times in day Side effects Furosemide S. There is no specific information regarding the treatment of overdose.

In case of an overdose, Emend should be discontinued and general supportive therapy prescribed. Suppositories are dosage forms that are solid at room temperature and melt at body temperature. There are rectal - suppositoria rectalia, vaginal suppositories - suppositoria vaginalia and sticks - bacilli. Vaginal suppositories in shape can be spherical (balls - globuli), ovoid (ovuli - ovula) or in the form of a flat body with a rounded end (pessaries - pessaria).

Medicinal substances in suppositories are prescribed for local and resorptive action.

When prescribing toxic and potent substances in rectal suppositories, the same rules for higher doses are followed as for oral dosage forms. Currently, most of the used suppositories are factory-made. The prescriptions for suppositories produced by the pharmaceutical industry are official, they are prescribed in an abbreviated form. The prescription begins with the indication of the dosage form (Supp.).

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