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M-cholinergic blockers of plant origin - atropine and belladonna preparations; synthetic - metocinium iodide. They are classified as drugs of non-selective type of action.

A deep blockade of secretion cannot be achieved with their introduction, therefore, they are prescribed as an addition to the main treatment with antacids and diets.

In addition, drugs of the atropine group have a number of undesirable effects: dry mouth, tachycardia, disturbance of

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It is more rational to use anticholinergics at bedtime in order to influence the nocturnal secretion of hydrochloric acid, which is especially enhanced with peptic ulcer. Ganglioblockers, although they have an antiulcer effect, are practically not used in medical practice at the present time, since selective drugs with minor side effects have appeared. Intravenously in 2 ml of isotonic solution ra sodium chloride, under mandatory control lem HELL.

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The solution can be used in concentrated form (without dilution), as well as in the form of 10% (1:10) or 1% (1:100) aqueous solution.

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Means of natural and synthetic origin that have selective and non-selective activity against pathogens of infectious diseases are called anti-infectious.

They are used for the prevention, treatment of infectious diseases, as well as to fight infections outside the human body.

Funds are divided into groups: non-selective (antiseptic, disinfectant) and selective Synonym: Pyrazidol ? Absorption of medicinal substances is carried out according to physicochemical and physiological mechanisms (Fig. Itching, discomfort, burning, skin irritation, erythema (redness), dry skin, psoriasis, skin edema, contact dermatitis.

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